Effective: June 29, 2016
Landmark Golf Course Products is a trade style (or dba—“does business as”) name of Landmark Studio Limited, registered as a corporation in the State of Wisconsin (October 1994).
Neither the name of the Company nor any Company branding or trademark may be used in connection with any person, entity, product, or service if the association could adversely affect the Company's image or standing or would for any other reason be inappropriate.
Logos, brand names, trademarks, or other intellectual property contained in or referenced on the website, unless otherwise expressly attributed, is the property of Landmark Golf Course Products. Nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting, expressly or by implication, any license or right to use any of the intellectual property contained in, displayed or referenced on the website without the written permission of Landmark Golf Course Products.
The construction and manufacturing methods, aesthetic, underlying structure, presentation documents, and manufacturing–ready drawings are all considered proprietary of Landmark Golf Course Products.
The appearance, design, graphics, documents, and content of this website are the property of Landmark Golf Course Products and are protected by applicable copyright and unfair competition laws. No material from the website may be copied, used, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, altered, distributed, or transmitted in whole or in part in any way without the express written consent of Landmark Golf Course Products which reserves all rights.
Copying, duplicating, re–using or otherwise distributing any of the content or graphics contained herein in any medium ,electronic or otherwise, for any purpose is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized use of the text and images may violate copyright, trademark, privacy and publicity laws and other civil and criminal statutes of the United States and other countries. Links to this website may not be made without the express written permission of Landmark Golf Course Products.
Photography of Landmark's products onsite (either provided by the club or photographed by Landmark staff) are used with the permission of those facilities and are considered Landmark property, which may or may not be jointly–owned with the club or photographer.
Landmark Golf Course Products assumes no liability for the use or interpretation of information contained herein. Decisions based on such data or information are the responsibility of the user to this website. Landmark Golf Course Products is not responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of your use of, or your inability to use, this website.
While this website may contain links to third–party websites, Landmark Golf Course Products is not responsible for the content of any linked websites. Landmark Golf Course Products provides these links as a convenience and does not endorse the companies or contents of any linked websites.
We reserve the right to market and ship the most recent versions of our products for the best return on investment and longevity.
© 1994–2023 Landmark Studio, Ltd
(dba Landmark Golf Course Products, dba Landmark Studio & Design)
All rights reserved.